If you see this page pop up on your computer, you have a couple of viruses on your system. It is a Win 32 and Trojan virus with a java script and JSP loader. It will lock your computer down where you cannot do anything with it. All you have to do is disable your internet connection and reboot your PC with no internet connection then run your antivirus on a thorough scan. One of the files you will find is wsbsbsbsbsbsbsbsb.exe in your temporary files. It will find the Win32 and Trojan as well. If you antivirus does not find it, AVAST Free will catch it and kill it. It is a scam because the fake FBI website with poor English and incorrect legal terminology crosses the terms of incarceration and dollar amounts of the fine and the FBI wont take a 200 dollar payment to get out of a potential $100,000 fine. Also it only asks for a Money Pack which isn't a method of payment the FBI would ask for on a fine. It is a scam.
I was hit by this virus myself and was able to recover my system without having to perform a complete format and clean install.
In an interview with MIT Technology Review, Sohn stated that while he uses Samsung devices at work, he prefers to use Apple products at home. He points out Apple's great ecosystem, calling it "sticky". It wasn't a complete PR disaster for Samsung, as he stated that he prefers his Galaxy phone, but Apple's ecosystem, the way everything "just works", is his reason for using Apple products. tech blog